Petrozavodsk Airport Besovets
Petrozavodsk Airport Besovets

Airport Besovets Petrozavodsk (Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport). Official site.


Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport is a regional air transport node of the Republic of Karelia, which links the air traffic Moscow and Simferopol.

The airport serves as the co-location. On the basis of the airfield also placed base of the Air Force, which is equipped with the Su-27.

Short story

A military airfield was established in Besovtse 1939 year.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Finnish aviation was based at the occupied airfield. 

From 1950, it was decided to build a new airport for civil aviation. Petrozavodsk-2 Airport was commissioned in 1964 year. 

With 1990, the airport was allowed to perform international flights, and began to implement them.

In 1995 year Petrozavodsk airport has been awarded the status of joint basing airfield for aircraft the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Defense.

With 2001 years on the airport began to conduct surveillance on the grounds of bankruptcy.

In 2003 the company was bought out and became known as JSC "Airport Petrozavodsk."

In 2004 year opened a new airport terminal.

In 2008, the company was once again on the verge of bankruptcy and was acquired in the property region.

With 2009, the airport can operate at night thanks to the installation of new lighting equipment.

Since the end of May 2015, the airport can not perform service flights to Moscow because of the expiration of the certificate.




During the Soviet period, the airport was an important civil air transport hub serving about 20 different destinations, including both regional centers and small villages. Today the airport has fallen into disrepair, but despite this it continues to function.


Runway airport Besovets Petrozavodsk


Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport has only one runway with a coating of concrete, the total length of which is 2500 meters and width 48 meters. The airport can accept and serve all types of helicopters and airplanes 2, 3 and 4 classes, in particular, IL-114, Tu-134, An-24, Yak-40 and other, lighter aircraft.


Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport Infrastructure


Because Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport is desolate, the infrastructure is developed here is very, very bad.

On the territory of the airport and within walking distance from it are located:

  • Parking vehicles;

  • retail store;

  • A cafe;

  • Branch for storage.


Nearest place of temporary residence and the hotels are located in Petrozavodsk:

  1. The hotel "North";

  2. Hotel "Petrozavodsk";

  3. Hotel "Nina";

  4. Hotel "Neva".


To get to the airport Besovets Petrozavodsk, you can use either the services of the urban public transport or taxi.


Route network Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport



As of early September 2014 years, Petrozavodsk airport Besovets working with two Russian airlines represented in the faces of those air carriers as "Rusline" and "Ak Bars Aero". From the airport, regular flights in the direction of the Moscow airport Domodedovo and Simferopol.


Basic data:

  • Serves regional flights in the north-west of Russia, Republic of Karelia.

  • Airport coordinates: latitude 61.89, longitude 34.15.

  • GMT time zone (winter / summer): + 4 / + 4.

  • Country Airport location: Russia.

  • Number of airport terminals: 1.

  • IATA airport code: PES.

  • ICAO airport code: ULPB.

  • Internal code: PTB.


In 2011 year on the night of June 21 near the airport in the implementation of the approach plane crashed Tu-134. 47 people were killed.

In 2012 year Aerodrome crashed Su-27. Fatalities have no pilots ejected.

Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport on the map:


Contact details:

  • Email the airport: [email protected].

  • Airport Fax: +78142788346.

  • Airport management phone: +78142786481.

  • Airport information phone: +78142717586.

  • The mailing address of the airport: airport, Besovets village, Prionezhsky district, Republic of Karelia, Russia, 185504.


Airport Besovets Petrozavodsk. Official site:

Petrozavodsk Besovets Airport. Official site.


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