How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane
How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: transport regulations



The first question that interests parents that they are going to travel with their child is how to transport the stroller on the plane? Parents of the 21st century have become so mobile that they are not only not afraid, but with great pleasure spend their vacation with small and sometimes babies. The first flight on an airplane is an exciting event not only in terms of caring for a small child, but also problematic, because parents are faced with the rules for transporting a stroller on an airplane.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki1 rules


How and when to give up the baby carriage at the airport

Based on the rules of transportation of carriages on the plane, they relate to carry-on baggage. In this regard, if the wheelchair is needed before the boarding, you can easily take the wheelchair with you in the waiting room. In this case, when using strollers registration tag Luggage Delivery at aircraft and with it you can confidently pass on.

In this case, the carriage takes flight attendant or employee of the airport, which allow people to board the plane.

When the child is old enough, the stroller, along with other suitcases, is checked into luggage. But in this case, the passenger should take care of its safe safety by carefully packing the stroller.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki2 rules


Since the loaders do not have enough time to carefully carry the wheelchair, it is necessary in advance to take care that it is not torn anywhere and does not get dirty. To do this, it is necessary to fold and wrap the wheelchair more thoroughly, or there is a special cover for this purpose. These subtleties will ensure a comfortable transportation, as well as the integrity of your property. Also there will be no unnecessary reason for concern that when landing in the stroller you can immediately put the child. It should also take into account the fact that the rules for carriage of strollers may vary from airline to airline. All the features of transportation should be specified in advance on the official website of the air carrier or in the travel agency when buying a tour.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki3 rules


How to get the wheelchair on arrival at the airport?

When you are traveling with a stroller, you need to be alert to the possibility that your luggage will probably get later than the other passengers of the aircraft. Also, in rare cases, the wheelchair can not be issued to the main belt, and with bulky cargo. This will be a separate entrance, which serves a variety of things non-standard sizes.

But there is no need to fear that you can somehow lose the stroller, since the rules for transporting strollers are the same at all airports in the countries. For example, some airlines may offer to pick up your stroller immediately upon exiting the plane. As you descend the ladder, pay attention to the area near the plane. Often, strollers are laid out from the cargo warehouse next to the gangway so that you can pick it up immediately. If you haven't noticed it, don't worry. Based on the rules for the carriage of baggage, loaders must, without fail, deliver your cargo to the airport and issue it either on the main belt or in the oversized cargo delivery department.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki4 rules


There are some rules for the carriage of wheelchairs in an airplane.

When the stroller does not fold, then, according to the rules of airlines, it cannot be classified as a special category of baggage, which airplanes carry free of charge.

In this case, the carriage is necessary to weigh and pay for transportation companies, if the passenger is exceeded while the standard rate of cargo that is transported free of charge. Therefore, take with you on vacation stroller, if the child is already sick, it is not only difficult, but also quite expensive.

In view of the fact that one person is given it is usually not more than 20 kilos of luggage, and the usual stroller weighs about 12-15 kg, comes a significant amount of costs.

Therefore, you can consider the options for buying a quality cane stroller. There are excellent options with a reclining back, in which the child will not only sleep comfortably, but these strollers can also be easily carried with you as carry-on luggage on board the aircraft.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki5 rules


How not to lose the wheelchair at the airport?

Considering the fact that sometimes airport employees make mistakes, as a result of which luggage can fly in another direction, you can worry about the safety of your belongings. For example, when handing over a stroller to the luggage compartment, you need to not only register it, but also attach a name tag signed in Latin letters to it. The name and surname of the owner, address and telephone number, which can be contacted in case of various misunderstandings, are left on the tag.

How to transport the wheelchair in an airplane: perevozki6 rules


These tags are issued at the airport, at check-in desks, or upon direct purchase of an air ticket upon request of a passenger. Also, if you wish, you can insure the stroller, indicating its value to employees at registration, but you will have to pay additional funds for this. There is also no problem getting the stroller at another airport if all registration coupons are saved in this way. One of the minor inconveniences may be that the baggage will be delivered later than the other cargo. But on the other hand, already at the airport of another country, you can safely put your child in a stroller and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.
