Categories of passengers with reduced mobility.
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Categories of passengers with reduced mobility.

Categories of passengers with reduced mobility.

The procedure for servicing the disabled.


These are categories of passengers, whose physical, medical or mental condition requires special attention or assistance that is not usually available to other passengers.


Passengers with disabilities are identified in the PIL (Passenger Information List). For each category of such passengers are special codes that are indicated in the ticket and the boarding pass of the passenger:

  • BLND - blind or partially sighted passengers;

  • DEAF - deaf passengers;

  • DPNA - passenger with disorders of intelligence capable of understanding that needs to accompanied by a person providing care for these passengers during flight;

  • MAAS - passengers who need to meet and escort who need help in getting luggage (can be used together with the notation and BLND DEAF)

  • MEDA - patients who may require a medical examination;

  • STCR - sick passengers on a stretcher;

  • WCHC - the letter C stands for "a place in the cockpit." The passenger can not walk, needed a wheelchair to move the platform and the cabin;

  • WCHS - the letter S stands for "step". The passenger can not ascend and descend the steps of the ladder, but can independently peredvigatsyaot and to its place in the cabin. The wheelchair is needed for travel to and from the aircraft or landing gallery;

  • WCHR - letter R means that the wheelchair is required when driving to or from the aircraft, and that he is able to climb / descend the ladder;

  • WCMP - the passenger is traveling with a disability mechanical chair;

  • WCBD - a passenger traveling with a wheelchair on dry electric battery;

  • WCBW - a passenger traveling with a wheelchair on the battery with liquid electrolyte.

Planting sick passengers and their carers should be carried out prior to planting other passengers.


Such passengers are divided into two categories usually:

  1. -klinicheskie cases
  2. -neklinicheskie cases.


With a different approach, they are divided into:

  • -ambulatornye passengers
  • -neambulatornye passengers.


Clinical case - A passenger with reduced mobility, which is required for the transport of medical clearance.

Non-clinical case - A passenger with reduced mobility to transport medical clearance is not required.

Ambulatory passenger - Passenger who is able to board a plane, travel in the cabin and leave the plane unassisted.

Neambulatorny - Passenger who needs help. To get on board, to move in the cabin and the plane or leave.


Passengers in wheelchairs.


There are three categories of passengers in wheelchairs.


SSR Code



The passenger, who can go up and down stairs and move around in the cabin, but who needs a wheelchair to get to the aircraft or from the aircraft after landing.


A passenger who cannot climb or descend stairs or move in the aircraft cabin, but who can move in the aircraft cabin. He needs a wheelchair to get to the plane and after disembarking from the plane, and he needs to be carried up and down the passenger ramp.


A passenger who is completely motionless. He needs a wheelchair to get to the plane and after disembarking from the plane, he needs to be carried up and down the passenger ladder, as well as to the passenger seat and back.


invalid airportBlind - a passenger who is blind and needs help. It may be accompanied by sighted dog - guide. Code SSR-BLND.

Deaf - a passenger who is deaf and needs help in the translation of your airport and on board the aircraft. It can accompany hearing dog - guide. Code SSR DEAF.


A passenger on a stretcher the passenger who requires transportation on a stretcher. Code SSR-STCR.





The support leg is used for passengers who can not bend the leg or foot, and needs the support leg.


Supplemental oxygen.

Supplemental oxygen is available for therapeutic pokazaniyam- on request. Code SSR-MEDA.


Service at the station of departure of passengers with disabilities.

Normally, passengers with disabilities must apply for registration. Without waiting for the deadline for registration, which is published in the appropriate schedule to fulfill all the requirements (for example 60 minutes before the departure time).

In addition to the usual free carry-on baggage allowance, this category of passengers can take wheelchairs, crutches, orthopedic devices and other means of transportation with them free of charge.

They must adhere to the following procedure:





Take any passenger with a private wheelchair?

If yes, then:

  • -Checks installed on it a dry or liquid battery
  • -Information cross-checked and entered into the automated system of registration
  • -If not, the point 2



Special baggage tags attached to all checked baggage to the baggage of passengers was given priority and it can be easy to find since arriving; if these tags are not provided, use the priority tag of class C.


Checking whether all requirements met


It offers assistance depending on the passenger with disabilities


This passenger sits on the board before the main group of passengers


The presence on board the passenger is informed of all involved stations


Preparing a list of the crew of the aircraft with the relevant information on this category of passengers.


Service at the station and arrival station transplant.


The station and arrival station transplant the following actions:

  1. - Provide assistance to passengers, as it is written in the notification message, including assistance through immigration and customs control and baggage claim
  2. - In the case of transplantation with the change of airlines to verify the information reported to you earlier about this new passenger.
  3. - If the notification message is not given this information, all the special equipment (stretchers, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, etc.) back to the station of departure.


Passengers in wheelchairs Airport



For safety reasons, passengers with special category not sit in rows near the emergency exit.

Passengers. Which can move without assistance, in principle, can sit according to their own wishes and needs (for example, near the toilets), with the exception of prohibited places.

Special seats with movable armrests are available on some aircraft, and in some classes.

Places usually pre-allocated reservation department. If this is not done, so the passengers are allocated the appropriate place.


Good to know. Information about aviation.

I just wrote to you 89823339629

23 November, I plan to take advantage of your airline flights for Min Vody - Moscow 16: 55. I am a passenger with disabilities
WCHS - The letter S stands for rungs. The passenger cannot go up and down the steps of the ladder, but can independently move from and to his seat in the cabin. A wheelchair is required to move from and to the aircraft or the landing gallery
From Moscow, I will fly to Bangkok at 21: 45.
Please order me a wheelchair.


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