


The history of the aircraft is very mysterious. the original data is not found in the present time about where the project took MiG-37. The plane was not built, but Western countries believe in its existence, and the Italian firm that manufactures Italeri model, has created his model. How she managed to get drawings of MiG-37?


On one of the British forums the following explanation of this mysterious fact is given. In the middle of the 80-ies, American aerospace companies fought for large orders for the production of stealth aircraft. Representatives of companies had to convince the government to allocate money to them. A weighty argument was the alleged appearance in the USSR of a similar MiG-37 Ferret fighter. That is, specifically for the US Air Force was built a model of the Soviet stealth aircraft. The adventure was successful, and the US congressmen allocated enough money to boost their air strike fleet with Stealth type aircraft. By the way, this version is confirmed by the fact that the MiG-37 is very similar to the Northrop ATF concept.


Thus was born a qualitative sample of alternative aircraft, which still is debate among fans of the history of aviation.


For the first time, the real existence of MiG-37 was reported in one of the English magazines. The author of the article Nick Cook stated that in the USSR a fifth-generation aircraft was built, with one turbojet afterburner. The design uses a multi-axis thrust mechanism. Following the British myth of the creation of a mysterious aircraft was picked up by the Russian press, only here it was called MiG-35. The existence of a top-secret new aircraft was expressed by Deputy Minister of MAP Laptev, Marshal Shaposhnikov and pilot Magomed Tolboyev. Everyone lied so exquisitely that even the media believed in the veracity of their words. Legends from newspapers quickly migrated to scientific journals, but the truth was eventually established. Did this 12.01.1999 TV crew, when shot in the hangar is not MiG-35And 1.44.


One of the magazines described the American F-117A and mentioned the Stealth Russian MiG-37. Even attached photos "mysterious" plane in which he makes a landing at sunset. With this panorama fighter turned into a dark silhouette. It was very similar to the F-117A, but the engines did not merge with the cowl and wings, like 117-th. The wings were outstretched, keystone. It is likely that this picture has been forged to create a sensation. However, Russia believes that the photograph was Su-47 «Berkut", The plane swept, the draft of which had a higher degree of privacy to 1997 years.


Some sources claim that the first flight of MiG-37 1988 was held in the year, even in NATO gave it the name Ferret, which is very close in meaning to the Stealth. Why was the plane called 37? It was the last MiG-31. Most likely, 33 and 35 were reserved for projects of light and heavy multi-role fighters. Heavy fighter in the Western press began to call MiG-39, we have it is better known as the IFIs. 33-th now called the MiG-29M. The foreign press also speaks about the existence of triplane, created on the basis of Su-37 и MiG-29But it is unconfirmed information.




Cool crap !!! My regards ! Sorry only- that is still not present, it would be remarkable characteristics! Suggest kb estimate vsamdelishnye machine Stowe order.

"MiG" with the serial number "37" is so mysterious that there are doubts, but does it exist at all. Or the stealth technologies applied to it, have reached such an unprecedented level, what made it really invisible? However, abroad, based on blurry photos taken from outer space on some "very-very secret airfield", replicas of plastic copies of the rival of the American "Raptor" are in full swing. Based on the mention in this context of the real F-22, one can guess that this is a Mig 1.44 project of a multifunctional fighter, the only instance of which lives out its life somewhere in the hangar. The aircraft was to serve as a base for the creation of aircraft of the new generation. The decisive moments in the design were the provision of cruising supersonic speed, super maneuverability and low visibility in all spectra. The MiG 1.44 aircraft served mainly to develop the design and aerodynamic scheme of the future car. The BFEO was far from complete and was equipped only to provide basic flight regimes, and the suspension of armament was also not carried out. But again, "there was a turn in the country," and the priority was not chosen to develop a new, but upgrade the existing aircraft. The role of the MiG 1.44 was noted as important in terms of the future generation of next generation aircraft - thanks to all, everyone is free.

I heard another story: our "allies" saw an unusual plane covered with a tarpaulin, and realized that the Russians had again invented something bad, but they were not reported to the "allies". As it turned out later, it was a MiG-29.

Mikhail, you write like an illiterate girl-bird. Firstly, "unusual" is spelled LITTELY here, secondly, before "and" a comma is not needed, and thirdly, it is written correctly: "... but they (the" allies ") were not informed." And fourthly, "as it turns out later" is written WITHOUT a soft sign!
Learn Russian, my friend!

Are you probably looking for mistakes in bed with your wife (husband)? ))


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