MQ-1 Predator
MQ-1 Predator

MQ-1 Predator


MQ-1 Predator - American multipurpose unmanned aircraft from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. Actively used in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is in the US arsenal.

History MQ-1 Predator

The first flight took place in 1994. In February 2001, the first test launches of AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles from the Predator UAV were performed at Nellis Air Force Base (US Air Force). The unmanned aerial vehicle can arm itself with two ATGMs (one under each wing).

MQ-1 Predator

Targeting is performed using a regular laser pointer. The company GA-ASI is developing the next generation of "Predator" aircraft, which is called Predator B, with higher performance. The maximum altitude is planned to increase up to 13,7 thousand. M and the payload up to 300 kg. The rate will exceed 400 kilometers per hour and maximum flight duration is 24 hours.

Total flying UAVs in 2009, the type of the Predator, entering the USAF reached 500 thousand. Hours. On the territory of Afghanistan and Iraq at the beginning of 2009 30 simultaneously used for more than drone MQ-1B Predator.

The total flight time was March 2010 years 700 thousand. O'clock in the US Air Force.

MQ-1 Predator

In small-scale production in the United States received a modification MQ-1C Grey Eagle. To start the production of the Pentagon was paid 399 million dollar company General Atomics.

In 2010, Intelligent Integration Systems sued Netezza. The plaintiff claims that Netezza illegally used the Extended SQL Toolkit and Geospatial Toolkit products belonging to IISi during the execution of works of the state customer. Documents submitted by IISi, indeed, confirmed the use of hacked versions of programs. The plaintiff states that as a result of the limited functionality of the compromised software, many of the functions of the UAV have been affected, which are related to positioning on the ground. Thus, the error in determining the coordinates is 12 m, which in some modes of flight can be critical, especially with takeoff and landing.

MQ-1 Predator pilots

US Air Force March 3 2011 was received last MQ-1 Predator from the number ordered. More UAVs of this type do not go into service, and will be ready in time be replaced by new modifications MQ-9 Reaper.

In 2011 year, according to statistics, it was released 360 UAV (75 MQ-1 and 285 RQ-1).

Design MQ-1 Predator

Drones MQ-1 Predator consist of a unified air electrical, mechanical and radio-electronic components used in manned aircraft. This approach allowed us to create a truly reliable aircraft. On-board equipment represent a radar antenna aperture, 2 color television camera, a laser range finder, pointer, infrared systems 6 fields of machinery and RTR / EW. Opto-electronic means are in a spherical fairing.

UAV designed by the normal aerodynamic scheme. It is equipped with four-cylinder engine. planting and the start type - airfield, with the use of the operator or automatic control.

MQ-1 Predator video

To connect MQ-1 Predator satellite radio are applied with the ground station. Thus, it is possible to obtain reliable information, not limited to direct radio zone.

In the United States in the year 2001 the plane for the first time launched anti-tank missiles AGM-114 «Hellfire."

MQ-1 Predator has the following modifications:

  • RQ-1 - unmanned reconnaissance aircraft;

  • MQ-1 A / B is unmanned aerial vehicle impact;

  • RQ-1 Predator XP is an export option that is not able to bear arms (5 million dollars - the minimum value);

  • MQ-1C Grey Eagle - an improved version of the MQ-1, equipped with the new engine has an increased load and wingspan.


The cost of MQ-1 Predator

The price of one type of UAV "Predator" at various times been uneven, it differs depending on the modification. For example, in the early 2003, the price of a UAV was 3,2 million. In 2011 year it has grown to 4,03 million dollars, and the cost per hour of flight was 3234 dollar.


Losses MQ-1 Predator

By March 16 2009 city, according to the US military, was lost 70 MQ-1 / RQ-1 Predator, four of them were shot down, eleven lost during the war, fifty-five are lost as a result of pilot error, equipment failure and other reasons.

According to others, starting with 1997 BC 18 2010 January, at the US Air Force lost 58 MQ-1 / RQ-1 Predator.

The incident with the interception of video

In Iraq, at the end of the year 2008 from captured militants seized a laptop, which was intercepted drone video. The amount seized from militants in the video 2009 year consisted of several days. And for videoperehvata used program of the Russian company SkySoftware - SkyGrabber (data transmitted from the "Predator" were vulnerable).

MQ-1 Predator

Over time, it became known that the video signal from the US UAV to relay communications satellite without any protection or other encryption. Due to this it was possible to "read" this "open" signal with simple commercial programs such as SkyGrabber.

This vulnerability, according to the Pentagon, was known during the war of NATO in Yugoslavia. But due to the savings and underestimate training fighters, it has not been eliminated. They also stated that the interception of the signal could not affect the operation of the aircraft is not safe. A little later came the official information about what works to address this vulnerability is actively underway.

MQ-1 Predator was used in intelligence operations in Southeast Asia, the Balkans and the Middle East. To this day, MQ-1 Predator used in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Interestingly, in the Kazakhstan company "Kazakhstan Engineering" at the end of the year 2014 going to start assembling the Predator XP.


MQ-1 Predator in various computer games

MQ-1 Predator was used in the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. His mission - to defeat aircraft (helicopters) and armored vehicles as well as manpower.

In the famous game STALKER: Call of Pripyat, you can see the wrecked MQ-1 Predator struck by anomalies (the Gauss gun).

MQ-1 Predator characteristics:

  • Wingspan, m: 14,84

  • Aircraft Length, m: 8,23

  • Height, m: 2,21

  • Weight, kg empty: 512

  • Maximum takeoff weight: 1020

  • Engine Type: 1 x PD Rotax 914 UL

  • Power hp .: 105

  • Maximum speed km / h: 217

  • Cruising speed, km / h: 110-130

  • Flight range, km: 740

  • Flight duration, h: more than normal: 20

  • Flight duration, h: Maximum: 40

  • Practical ceiling, m: 7920

Other UAVs


UAV was shot down by Iraqi air defenses in carrying out reconnaissance flight in the airspace of Iraq.


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