
OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil


Moscow Helicopter Plant named after ML Mil - Aviation Enterprise Group "Helicopters of Russia", which is located in the Moscow region, Lyubertsy district urban-type settlement Tomilino, engaged in the development and operation of a pilot helicopters.

Established plant was chief designer Mikhail Mil in 1947 year. It includes experimental design bureau, experimental research complex, pilot production, and Flight-testing base.


The management and owners

  • Management Organization - Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Helicopters".

  • Executive Director - Michael Z. Karatkevich.

  • Acting General Designer - Pavlenko Nikolai Serafimovich.

  • General Designer - Aleksey Gavriilovich Samusenko;

  • The main shareholder of the plant - the concern of OPK "Oboronprom" owns 80,71 percent stake

  • The second place in the number of shares owned by Sikorsky (United States) 9,38 percent.

Design Bureau Mile, or, as it is called, "Moscow Helicopter Plant named. M.L. Mile ", was founded and located in the town of Tomilino, nowadays it is the Luberetskiy district of the city of Moscow. This company since the beginning of its existence was engaged in the development and manufacture of helicopters. Mikhail Mil was the general designer of the enterprise, which was created at the beginning of 1947. The entire plant had several workshops, namely: a workshop for pilot production and development, an experimental complex with advanced researchers and a flight base with experienced testers. For the whole history of the company's work, many well-known designers and developers with world names worked at this enterprise.

At the moment it is a company 80% owned by the Russian Corporation "Oboronprom" and the remaining shares are held by well-known American helicopter company Sikorsky.


The main activities of the company Mile:

  • The company is engaged in heavy machinery on the territory of our state.

  • Provides production for aerospace, helicopters and aircraft industries.

  • Carry out repairs, maintenance and service of aircraft and helicopter units, which are produced now.

  • Active promotion of all products carried this enterprise and search for wholesale buyers.


Features of the operation and development of the plant Mile

The OKB was founded at the beginning of 1947 under the strict guidance of the genius Soviet designer Mikhail Leontievich Mil, who was the general designer and ideological generator of the whole enterprise. Virtually all the products that were developed at the plant had the designation "Mi", except for experienced projects or unfinished ideas. Mile helicopters with the designation Mi-8-17 are the most popular and famous. Throughout the history of the plant, the plant has won great recognition and credibility with its products in almost all countries of the world, since more than one hundred countries of the world operate the machinery of this plant.


Since the plant is divided into many shops with its own specialization, it has many highly trained specialists. The plant consists of a large number of complexes and divisions that are part of the holding company with the designation "Russian Helicopters". In addition to OKB Mil, this holding includes many helicopter enterprises. The most famous of them is OKB Kamov. The Mile plant is used as one of the most developed and progressive scientific centers for the development of multipurpose helicopters. There are also ongoing studies of new developments in the helicopter industry.

The Mill plant actively conducts various types of research and design of new models and projects, the production of prototype models. Employees of the enterprise control and correct all production and improvement of models already created. Due to the development of technology and science, all helicopters of this enterprise require improvements and improvements, due to which new modifications are created. All this is done in order to create machines that are in demand on the world aviation market. In addition to developing and manufacturing new aircraft, the employees of the plant constantly provide technical support and repair of both civil and military helicopters of their own production.


With this design bureau, thirteen main airplane models from the lightest to the smallest to the superheavy have been created for the entire time of their existence. Helicopters: Mi-2, Mi-6, Mi-8 and, of course, Mi-24 became the most popular in the production and the most popular in the world. They were manufactured serially for many years and found application in many branches of the national economy. They were very widely exploited in military operations in conflicts in the hot spots of the world. On their basis, many special devices have been developed to carry out specific tasks.

Known is a multi-purpose Mi-38, which can be used as a passenger or transport. On this basis it was made Mi-26T and Mi-171. But still more popular in the world market are attack helicopters with powerful weapons. That is why at the moment continues improvement of military vehicles such as the "Night Stalker" model 28N Mi-Mi-35M. The latest development of the plant is a Mil Mi-28UB, which is intended for the education and training of young pilots.

All models of helicopters, developed by designers of the plant Mile, in today's time are made at factories in Ulan-Ude and Kazan, the company "Rostvertol". Factory production Mile is not the last step in the global helicopter industry, especially since the supply of these machines are made in almost all the continents of the world.

The most successful products Mil helicopter plant

In total, this company was able to create a variety of modifications 200 helicopters, which should serve in the military sphere and in the economy. Below we listed the most successful line of helicopters Mile in the historical aspect.


The first child of legendary designer has become a model helicopter Mi-1, which has been designed and manufactured in 1948 year. For the first time he broke away from the take-off site in the autumn of the same year. This machine was the first of all creatures Mile, which started to produce in large quantities.

The development of the second model, the designers have spent more than ten years, but eventually in 1961 was made Mi-2. Mainly this unit was to serve for the training of young pilots. It is also used as a sports car, which took part in various international competitions in air sports.

Mi-4 1952 was made in the summer of the year. This machine was produced in series in very large quantities. Actively its production can be explained by the fact that this machine could perform many functions.

At the beginning of the summer for the first time flew 1957 heavy Mi-6, designed to carry heavy loads and transport. This model laid the foundations of the Soviet heavy helicopter as had excellent flight characteristics and capacity for cars in its class.


In the history of Russia and the USSR helicopter the most popular and demanded a helicopter Mil designation Mi-8. There were manufactured 12 thousand of these devices to perform a large variety of tasks. This helicopter began to make at the end of the year 1961. Since this model is multi-purpose and very high quality, it has been applied in the national economy and in the military. A very large number of models and versions have been sold to other countries.

Designers have developed many non-standard helicopters, but not all of them were used for serial production. So, one of the most successful non-standard devices became amphibious helicopter with the designation Mi-14, it was made in the early 60-ies. It has become the largest amphibian of all manufactured in the world. Its advantage was the implementation of take-off and landing of water bodies, in addition, it could carry rather large loads.


Specially developed for construction-crane helicopter with the designation Mi-10K. Basically this unit is used for the installation and construction of buildings, it is quite qualitatively spent loading operations. Another was the brainchild of a helicopter in the Mile-12, 1967 it was made in the year. A special feature of this machine was the weight of the structure, he is rightly became the heaviest helicopter in the world in the history of the helicopter.

The most sought-after military helicopter Mil became a project called Mi-24. Due to the large number of weapons and excellent flight characteristics of this machine used in 50 the world for weapons. Serial production started in 1969 year. In 1977 was established for the helicopter landing, he also became the world's lifting helicopter in its class, it was the Mi-26.

The advantage of the company Mile can also be called a new model of the Mi-28N. It can carry out patrols day and night, with the mission to carry out impact. It first flew into the air in the autumn of 1996 years, and at this time is the primary attack helicopter in Russia. Also worth noting is the unit established in the year 2003, namely Mi-38. It is designed to perform a variety of functions and has high load-carrying capacity.



At the Moscow Helicopter Plant, more than fifteen basic helicopter models were built and designed, which were produced in more than two hundred variations.

  "MVZ Mil name" - Moscow region Russia E logo


The numbers:

The annual turnover of the enterprise in 2010 was 2,638 billion rubles

Annual net profit in 2010 amounted to RUB 921,7 million

The number of employees as of the year amounted to 2012 2821 people.



  • 140070, Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Tomilino village, street Garshina House 26 / 1

  • Telephone: + 7 495 669 70 54

  • Fax: + 7 498 553 80 02

  • [email protected]


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A wonderful design bureau, talented people. I'm kind of a light from a flash idea. If KB and I are lucky and this comment will read not only clever, but visionary, then I will offer not an ordinary idea of ​​carrying screws. I'm afraid to say it is too clear that Russia's enemies will not be cut off before it gets to the Russian Mil Bureau, but they also did not miss their own, became interested. In short, these are screws - wings with low speed, large area and constant horizontal arrangement. According to my idea, the skewed apparatus remains strong. Screws in the axle and possibly in the dimensions of the fuselage. That will allow you to sit down on a mountain path. Can read smart, I'll tell. Good will perish. He will not be afraid of a strong wind and the closest place for take-off and landing. And he will have almost the aircraft capacity and economy. The speed will probably be almost helicopter Tel. + 375293995066

Quite recently, there was a disaster, a Boeing crashed in Rostov-on-Don, again everyone who flew on the plane was killed. There was practically nothing left of the plane. When helicopter accidents occur, almost everyone on board is killed. I was thinking about the safety of people all the time. how to escape in a critical situation. After all, the air ocean is not as safe as it seems. On the one hand, it fascinates and attracts to itself. On the other hand, it does not forgive mistakes and haste in the release of this or that car. all designers in the world are working on the problem of survival during an accident, but in my opinion, the closest to solving this problem came auto designers who suggested using airbags. Question! Why should these airbags be used only in aircraft, and especially in helicopters? larger ones, so that they could fill the interior space in the cabin and the cockpit in a matter of seconds. I think you can try to use my proposal, only to interest aircraft designers. By profession, I am an auto technician, but all the time I looked enviously at airplanes, dreamed of flying helicopters but it can be seen correctly said "born to crawl cannot fly." I do not know where my comment will go, and who will read it, please pass my proposal on to Alexei Gavrilovich Samusenko-Gen Designer


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