
Poland threatens Russia with the introduction of a no-fly zone over Western Ukraine

Poland threatens Russia with the introduction of a closed zone over Western Ukraine.

The Polish authorities announced their readiness to introduce a no-fly zone over Western Ukraine in the coming days. According to Brigadier General and ex-head of the National Security Bureau of Poland Stanislav Kozey, Warsaw is studying the possibility of deploying its own air defense system on the border with Ukraine to cover the territory of Ukraine at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the border.

“We have arguments in order to provide preventive insurance and inform Russia about it. If it does not stop attacking our border with long-range missiles, then from day to day we can introduce anti-missile defense over Western Ukraine.”- said Stanislav Kozei.

To date, the most long-range air defense system in service with Poland is the Soviet S-200 air defense system, with a maximum target range of up to 200 kilometers, although the number of these air defense systems in Poland is very limited. In addition, Poland has a very significant number of S-125 Neva air defense systems and Poprad mobile air defense systems.

On the other hand, experts note that Warsaw may request from the United States an accelerated delivery of the Patriot air defense system, with a range of up to 160 kilometers. This makes it possible to cover a significant part of Western Ukraine and cities such as Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, etc., where the bulk of foreign weapons arriving from NATO territory are based.
