Plane 6-generation
Plane 6-generation

Plane 6-generation


At this point in the political and military structures of NATO is very much disagreement about the future of military aviation. This is due to many factors of possible global conflicts and the growing global financial and economic crisis. The important role played by the situation with the reduction of military expenditure costs.

The program to create the 6-generation aircraft is very expensive and due to the absence of a possible direct enemy it is unlikely to develop in the near future. The existing fourth-generation aircraft and their modernization are currently being used by NATO, but will be used up to 2040. Among them, the most famous are the European "Typhoons", the French "Rafali" and the American F-15E, F-16E, F and F / A-18E. Of course, given the possible upgrades and new developments, these aircraft will extend their useful life. And given the complexity and high cost of developing the sixth generation, not to mention the research and the time of creation (can reach over 10 years), the question of designing new high-tech aircraft should be raised now. And the decision should also be immediate.

Economically savvy European countries take into account the possible future problems and therefore is not yet ready for such projects. A majority of leading experts are confident that at the moment only the US can deploy the development of a detailed airplane. But interest in the new air units not falling. Many designers still think about that, what will such an aircraft.


First of all, the image of the 6 generation will be affected by scientific and technological development and industrial opportunities. Advanced programmers together with the main designers argue that, taking into account the improvement of technological capabilities, computer support, the emergence of new material and weapons, and very much can not only contribute to the overall design of the aircraft, but also to change its purpose. Some military analysts claim that future aviation complexes will become carriers of important and powerful means of conducting military operations, rather than those now known.

Thus, many experts are confident in the future requirements of new aircraft. First, they must have great maneuverability in a wide range of speeds and altitudes with low fuel consumption. Secondly, such a device must have incredible survivability. Naturally, it should be unobtrusive for advanced search and reconnaissance systems. It is planned to widely use nanotechnology materials, which will also contribute to an increase in overall technical characteristics. In addition, it is planned to use the most advanced sensors that provide the information that is absolutely necessary for the pilot, as well as the installation of an improved, or, perhaps, completely new weapon that operates on new physical principles. Naturally, updates will affect both computer upgrades, communication systems and the ability to pilot an aircraft in an unmanned mode.

In the 6-generation airplane, an important role will be assigned to new construction materials. This will enable the air car to increase the payload and make it less visible for the long-wave radar range. Fiber-type optics will replace most metal wires, and the use of an extremely expensive self-healing material will enable the 6 generation to independently repair combat damage. The entire sensor system of the aircraft will ensure awareness of not only the crew, but also the ground control, and in all directions in the air and on the ground in the visible, infrared and radio bands of the spectrum. Considering the development of artificial intelligence, it is planned to use this principle and apply it to the aircraft. There will be a unified system that can solve tasks at lightning speed, automatically recognize data, recommend a solution to the pilot, and in some cases, do it in an off-line mode.


On the sixth generation aircraft, in addition to new equipment and materials, it is also planned to install absolutely new weapons. Advanced experts are the so-called microwave and laser weapons of direct action. In the future, such weapons will be much more powerful, lighter, more accurate and will have the ability to suppress the enemy's electronic and optoelectronic systems. Naturally, the use of directed weapons will directly affect all tactics of combat aviation. One of the main tasks assigned to developers of such a combat unit is the emergence of the ability to conduct network-centric actions. This will make it possible to operate the aircraft in the same information space with its command post, the rest of the aircraft and with air defense, air defense and navy systems that are participating in one combat operation.

Under assumptions of military programmers through highly developed computer support will be able to have a sixth-generation fighter aircraft to become a local KC. He will be able to quickly take the necessary decisions for the tasks and command as a chase plane pilots and unmanned.
