The headquarters of long-range aircraft
The headquarters of long-range aircraft

The headquarters of long-range aircraft



The history of the emergence of Russian long-range aviation (DA) goes back to the times of Tsarist Russia. December 23 (Day of Long-Range Aviation) a hundred years ago, Emperor Nicholas II approved the decision to create a squadron of air ships called “Ilya Muromets". It was the world's first alliance of heavy four-engined bombers. Since then, long-range aviation, like the legendary Russian hero, has served as a reliable defense of the airspace over Russia; takes part in international missions.

Since its inception, Russian long-range aviation has experienced more than one war and more than one reform. In 1980, three air armies of the Supreme High Command were created in long-range aviation: the 46th was based in Smolensk, the 24th in Vinnitsa and the 30th in Irkutsk, and four bomber divisions became part of the 37th strategic air army, whose headquarters located in Moscow.

In 2009, the 37th Air Army was reorganized into the command of long-range aviation of Russia, whose headquarters are now located in the very heart of the capital - in the Moscow district of Khamovniki. There, at the corner of Kholzunov Lane, there is an unremarkable building of gray-beige color. It is in it that the office of the commander of long-range aviation is located. Since 2009, this post has been occupied by Anatoly Zhikharev, an experienced and respected specialist, who has more than one successful air mission behind him.   

The headquarters of long-range aviation 2

At the headquarters of long-range aviation has even its corporate Temple - chapel of Elijah the Prophet. This saint is the patron saint of pilots. The chapel has a book of remembrance, which make the names of all the dead airmen.

In 2014, the jubilee year Headquarters long-range aviation of the Russian Federation is actively preparing to celebrate the momentous event. It is planned that in the square field Maiden monument to the pilots of distant aircraft of all generations. The initiator of the installation of the monument was the Council of Veterans long-range aircraft, which addressed the current team YES A.Zhiharevu to help coordinate the project with the authorities.

The choice of location is not accidental, because Maiden Field is also located in the Central Administrative District, in the Khamovniki district. It is not far from here to the very headquarters of long-range aviators. The opening of the monument should take place on August 12.
