
Su-29. Photo. Story. Characteristics.


Sports aircraft Su-29 model was developed in the Sukhoi Design Bureau, based on the previous model sports plane Su-26. The most significant difference between these machines is that the new car had a two-seat cockpit.

The history of the Su-29

Years of experience designers revealed that the foundation of success in sports are hours of training pilots. It is for these reasons in 1991, the Sukhoi designers started to create a new project, which was to provide training for sport pilots. Due to the fact that the new machine was designed in a double version, it could reduce the time and cost of training pilots for training. In addition to the athletes, this machine also polished his skills and military pilots.

Su-29 photo

The Su-29 was ready a year after the design began. Such a rapid manufacturing can be explained by the fact that most of the systems and assemblies were borrowed in the previous version of the Su-26 sports aircraft. The main differences are noticeable in the layout of the fuselage, as one more cockpit was added. Also, the wingspan and the body length were increased by 40 centimeters. Compared with the Su-26, the new Su-29 has become heaviest by 60 kilograms, this has been achieved through the use of a large number of composite materials. Composite materials account for 60% of the entire device design. All this allowed to have practically the same flight characteristics as a single-seat car.

Su-29 cabin

Even before the plane took off, it was demonstrated at the world air show in Paris. The plane made its first flight at the end of summer 1991 at Zhukovsky airport. As for the factory flight tests, they were tested simultaneously on three similar devices of this series. Factory tests were completed by the end of 91 year and were marked by very positive results. The first sports experience the car got in 92 at the world olympiad in France, where it was noted by specialists as a very good and promising model. Almost immediately after these competitions, the manufacturer received an order from the US to supply 12 Su-29 aircraft. In total, around 50 machines of this class were delivered to other countries of the world.

Su-29 exhibition

The Su-29 aircraft received a MAK-type quality certificate in July of the year 94, and a year later it was allowed to operate as an educational one. In 1996, this aircraft was tested by experienced pilots of the Russian Air Force. The result of the tests was confirmation that Su-29 can perform such complex figures as corkscrews of different complexity. But the most important characteristic of quality was the fact that on this car the pilots felt comfortable and had the opportunity to control every moment of the flight. All these characteristics were obtained by the painstaking and thoughtful work of designers of Sukhoi's bureau.

The machine is possible and a single pilot, the machine complies with the flight characteristics of the machine Su-26. When creating an aircraft such as Su-29 occurred parallel design single machine, which received the designation Su-29T, and after a while the new unit was renamed Su-31.

Design features of the Su-29

Aircraft such as Su-29 has a power plant, which is represented by a nine-screw motor delivers power in 360 horsepower. Engine M-14P drives a three-blade propeller model MTV-3, which is made to order in Germany. This sports car has a fairly light weight - only 735 kilograms when empty, and the maximum weight that the aircraft can take off the ground is 1205 kilos.

Su-29 off

The Su-29 can produce flying at a speed of more than 400 km / h, the speed of the aircraft during flight and landing is only 120 km / h. The aircraft can be effectively operated at altitudes up to 4 kilometers. Especially at takeoff it is that the aircraft require a runway in 250 meters.

As for the on-board equipment, it can be quite different depending on the customer's wishes. For example, the aircraft can be equipped with navigation systems of foreign manufacture. In addition, present machine can be installed GPS system.


The aircraft was manufactured in the aircraft factory Dubinsky, who had plenty of big orders from around the world. There were also made modifications that differ type of ejection seats. One of the modifications was developed specifically commissioned by the Argentine Air Force.

Su-29 characteristics:

Modification   Su-29
Wingspan, m   8.20
Aircraft Length m   7.29
Height, m   2.89
Wing area, m2   12.20
Weight, kg  
  empty aircraft   735
  normal takeoff   860
  maximum take-off   1204
Internally fuel kg   207
engine's type   1 PD M-14PT
Power, hp   X 1 355
Maximum speed km / h  
  dives, km / h   450
  horizontal flight   385
Practical range, km   1200
Practical ceiling, m   4000
Max. Operational overload   12
Crew   1-2


Russian Aircraft

My acquaintance with Su-29 began in the flying club. Since my childhood I've wanted to learn how to fly on an airplane, and now it's happened. I often saw how these planes perform aerobatics. I wanted the same. And then came that day, the briefings were behind, it was time for practice. I sat in the cockpit and saw a classic instrument panel. White letters on a black background are written numbers and marked divisions, white arrows, metal tumblers. After training on the simulator was a bit unusual, but you can quickly learn in the cabin. Sit comfortably, not crowded. Everything is literally at hand. He reached out his hand, snapped his finger and lifted the toggle switch, lowered it and pressed the button. The communication system is also done soundly. During the flight, I clearly heard the instructor and his team, I did not have to ask again. Only my ears get tired from the headphones, because they were not enough for me. And so, after mastering, I fastened my belts and the plane took off. It's an unforgettable experience. The main thing to get used to. Su-29 is very maneuverable and fast, easily gaining speed, perfectly obeys the steering wheel. The review from the cabin is not bad. You can fly and look at the world from a great height. A wonderful and unforgettable experience. I'm glad that I started flying on this car.


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