Training Aviation Center LEU Volga-Dnepr
Training Aviation Center LEU Volga-Dnepr

Training Aviation Center LEU Volga-Dnepr



Aviation Training - Corporate University Department group of companies "Volga-Dnepr".

Volga-Dnepr Corporate University is an educational licensed institution, which is registered as a private educational institution ODO Corporate University, which has the status of a recognized expert in training aviation specialists and teaching foreign languages ​​in Russia and abroad, and is starting to gain leadership positions in the field of corporate training ...

Corporate University under one roof unites the School of Business, Aviation Training Center, Education Center and the School of Foreign Languages, whose task is to create a single information field, preservation of unique knowledge and structuring expertise.

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New knowledge emerge at the intersection of objects, so different educational products that exist under one roof, they are complementary and mutually enrich each other, cause the development of personnel and organization.

Aviation Training Center.

AUC "Volga-Dnepr" is a young, modern, dynamically developing center, appeared in 2004. During this time, the ATC has managed to establish itself among foreign and domestic aviation enterprises, is one of the members of the ATC Association of Russia.

The high level of the educational process is also confirmed by the fact that, in addition to the personnel of the Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies (engineering, technical and flight personnel, experts from the organization of airport services and transportation, and so on), employees of various airlines from Russia and abroad undergo professional training at the Center annually.

The aviation training center of the Corporate University to date, you can be trained in the program more than a hundred courses

Business Card ATC "WA" - preparation of aviation specialists in radio traffic and phraseology in the international aviation routes and learning English the various categories of aviation specialists in accordance with the international ICAO standards, including initial training of aviation specialists and testing skills to determine the grade on the scale ICAO.

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Aviation Training Center NC ODO "Corporate University" - is:

  • Rates of retraining, initial training, and increasing the qualifications of different categories of aviation specialists;
  • The team of experts in their field supervisors and teachers who have extensive experience teaching activities designated special training and practice - all teachers are certified and regular courses to increase skills;
  • Equipped classrooms for rescue aviation training and aviation security, as well as a language lab with specialized skills training simulator for radio media classes with reference books and teaching visual materials;
  • When a decent combination of factors "price - quality" significant savings: the cost of education in the developing dynamically Volga city of Ulyanovsk staying at a hotel is much lower than the passage of such courses in Moscow;
  • Organization on the basis of the enterprise customer outreach activities.

Learn more detailed information, please call:

+ 7 (8422) 590193 - manager for the organization of a learning process

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Activities of educational aviation center NC ODO "Corporate University" is held on the basis of licenses in Serie A number 277609 (registration number 0323) from 19 December 2008 years, issued by the Committee for Control and Supervision in Education of the Ulyanovsk region, and (certificate) number 4 from 24 May 2013 years, issued by the Federal Agency of Air Transport in the Ministry of Transport.

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