
Ka-226. A photo. History. Characteristics


Ka-226 - Russian multi-purpose helicopter, designed OKB. Kamov. Technically, it is deeply modernized Ka-26, which has worked well during the operation. It can carry up to 6 passengers or cargo weighing up to 1350 kg inside the cargo cabin and on an external sling. The main drawback of Ka-226 considered a relatively small movement speed.

History of the Ka-226

According to research by marketing domestic market of air transportation of goods and passengers by helicopter 80% of the total executed by helicopter of light class. Due to the fact that Ka and Mi-26-2 in the early 90-x has not commercially produced, in the airline market has arisen a significant deficit, which is estimated at 15 years 500-600 units of light helicopters. Plus, during which time you can import to send up to 300 units.


After receiving a lot of orders from potential buyers, the firm "Kamov" in the early 90-ies started work on designing a new helicopter design combines the basic elements of the Ka and Ka-126-26, equipped with only two engines. The plan was to use a new modification of the same purposes as the basic model. Unlike the Ka-126, it can use for activities that require the obligatory presence of two engines to ensure the necessary level of security.

The first mockup was constructed in the year 1996, and the first copy was released in 1997. Among the customers of this aircraft the majority of institutions - government agencies: MOE, RAO, the municipality of Moscow, "Gazprom". MOE need for such a helicopter is 150-200 vehicles, "Gazprom" - about 100, and health options for the capital needs about 40-50 pieces. It is possible that orders for Ka-226 will also come from the State Customs Committee, the Federal Border Service of Russia, the Russian Armed Forces and other departments.

Ka-226 photo

The first flight of the Ka-226 4 was made in September 1997 years. Managed process test pilot V. Lavrov. Mass production of this modification to the air carrier failed to establish KumAPP (Kumertau) and Orenburg NGO "Boom".

Design Ka-226

In terms of layout, the Ka-226 helicopter is very similar to its predecessor Ka-26. Differences are caused by the installation of two GTEs, the appearance in the composition of more advanced digital equipment, a new design of rotor screws with semi-rigid torsion bars to the blades. On the rotors, new bushings were installed, which, compared to those used on the Ka-26, consisted of fewer parts (400 vs. 1350). In the design of the blades there are two contour spars and a working skin. They themselves are made of composite materials, which increase the thrust of the bearing screws.

The concept of a flying machine chassis is preserved, but at the same time managed to achieve better transport performance and fuel economy.

In many respects Ka-226 bypasses their foreign competitors - in German-French-105. The cost of Russian helicopter almost 2 times lower at 1,5 million.

As part of the fuselage Ka-226 can distinguish the cockpit, the central compartment, two tail boom and tail, which includes two spaced keel and rudder. The fuselage is made in the girder type using components made of aluminum and its alloys, panels of fiberglass material. Because it is composed of the tail boom, tail and cockpit panels.

Ka-226 photo Field

By design, the pilot cabin is virtually identical to the cab Ka-26, but in its composition appeared more sophisticated equipment, which allows to fly at any time of the day and even in severe weather conditions. cab Seats quite ergonomic.

Near the pilot seat conveniently positioned controls, the dashboard, the necessary monitoring sensors and other equipment. The area of ​​the cockpit canopy glazing is very big - nice view from the cabin crew.

The transport from the cabin can accommodate up to 6 8 removable passenger seats. It also provides for a winch to load through a wide doorway with sliding doors. At the rear of the cab has an opening for loading stretchers in the medical (sanitary) version of the Ka-226. The transport cabin can put two stretchers with the accompanying medical staff or 6 stretchers with victims - in an evacuation version.

The firm "Kamov" have been developed various options for the Ka-226, in the interests of its customers. As part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations today exploit the medical, rescue and patrol in Moscow - fire, policing, health care, assistance, rescue. Especially for "Gazprom" made modifications with the possibility of special equipment for mineral exploration, aerial photography, and pipeline patrol.

Sanitary version of the Ka-226 equipped with all the necessary medical equipment resuscitation. The cabin can accommodate two patients on stretchers and several paramedics.

The rescue Ka-226, which operate in the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, equipped with electric winch port side carrying capacity 300 kg, from the right - container emergency equipment. The structure also includes a spotlight and a speaker. The cargo compartment puts nine rescuers.


Other applications Ka-226 can be equipped with optional radar, television, infrared and other equipment to perform specific tasks.

Four post helicopter chassis is not visually changed since Ka-26. Just Ka-226 has a pneumatic braking system. But in the chassis design, some changes have been introduced, aimed at improving the energy intensity of racks and chassis weight reduction.

The structure of the power plant consists of two turboprop engines "Allison" and gearbox BP-126. The total capacity of the fuel tanks is 770 l. Due to the low fuel consumption of the flight duration in the main tanks is 4 34 hours, minutes, and additional -.. 6 45 hours min..

The organs of control systems include helicopter control levers in the cockpit, hydraulic KAU-165, hard thrust and autopilot.

Ka-226 photo tug

The brake screws, fuel equipment of engines, rudders direction rope passes control wiring. The helicopter is equipped with a hydro-mechanical system of automatic engine control, which includes a frequency controller-free rotation of the turbine and the pump.

Compared with its main competitors, Western VK-117 and VO-105, Ka-226 traces elements of radial symmetry, and it is much easier in terms of control. In addition, the lack of a steering propeller makes it possible to maneuver safely with strong gusts of wind. Uniqueness of Ka-226 is that it can perform turns in the zone of the static ceiling, without changing the height - this is beyond the power of devices with a steering screw. This quality is especially important during the rescue operations in the mountains, at high or low air temperatures, when there is a loss of thrust in the power plant of helicopter structures.

Ka-226 Features:

Modification   Ka-226
Diameter of the main rotor, m   13.00
Length m   8.10
Height, m   4.15
Weight, kg normal takeoff   3100
 Weight, kg maximum takeoff   3400
engine's type   2 TVLD Rolls-Royce Allison 250-С20R / 2
Takeoff power, kW   X 2 338
Power, kW cruising   X 2 280
Maximum speed km / h   220
Cruising speed, km / h   197
Practical range, km   600
Flight duration, h   4.60
Rate of climb, m / min   636
Dynamic ceiling, m   6500
Static ceiling, m   2600
Crew   1-2
Payload:   6 passengers (maximum - 8) or 1400 kg of cargo in the cabin or 1300 kg on an external sling



Ka-226. Gallery.

Ka-226 in flightKa-226 runwayKa-226 after take-off from runway

Ka-226 at air showKa-226 in the mountainsThe Ka-226 on air show a side view

Ka-226 in the snowKa-226 after take-off from runwayKa-226 runway

Ka-226 Russian Ministry of Emergency SituationsKa-226 cockpitKa-226 cockpit side view



