Extensive Soar 3. Specifications. A photo.
Extensive Soar 3. Specifications. A photo.

Extensive Soar 3. Specifications. A photo.


Extensive Soar 3 is a Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle designed for civilian use by specialists from the Shenyang Automation Institute.

The Chinese Unmanned Aircraft Model Extensive Soar 3 is a multi-purpose drone, which can be used to perform a wide range of various tasks, among which is aerial photography and aerial photography, observation, patrol and monitoring flights, search operations, etc.

The unmanned aircraft of the Extensive Soar 3 model was designed by Chinese specialists in 2009, and after 2, the device was first introduced to the public and tested, and due to the fact that the flight tests of this UAV proved to be very successful, the design of the device was put into mass production, which Continues to this day.

The multifunctional aircraft of the Extensive Soar 3 model is made in a helicopter-type configuration, which provides the aircraft with high maneuverability, and makes it very effective for performing the above tasks. Moreover, the aircraft itself has very compact overall dimensions, in particular, at a length of 3 meters 80 centimeters, the drone has a mass of 90 kilogram, which provides simplicity, both during transportation and operation.

The unmanned air Extensive Soar 3 is equipped with a single piston internal combustion engine running on gasoline fuel, which allows the device to perform flights for one hour at a maximum speed of movement in space up to 120 km / h.


Specifications Extensive Soar 3.


  • Length: 3,8 m .;
  • The diameter of the rotor: Unknown;
  • Height: Unknown;
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 120 kg .;
  • Cruising flight speed: 100 km \ h .;
  • Maximum flight speed: 120 km \ h .;
  • Maximum flight distance: 20 km .;
  • Maximum flight height: 2100 m .;
  • aircraft engine type: a piston;
  • Powerplant: unknown;
  • Power: unknown.




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